Hottest part of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
The hot period between early July and early September; a period of inactivity.
A period of unusually hot weather.
Examples for "heat wave"
Examples for "heat wave"
1Parts of China have also had a heat wave in recent days.
2Russia's heat wave is expected to last through the week at least.
3There was dead calm and a regular heat wave on December 19.
4A South Island heat wave caused record-breaking temperatures in Christchurch and Dunedin.
5Russian meteorologists say it's the most intense heat wave in a millennium.
1My ma don't care how often I go in-onlyin dog days.
2Give them all the water they can drink in the dry dog days.
3Well, this year I have the remedy for the dog days of Christmas.
4We're seeing a lot of it, here in the dog days.
5The fierce sun of the dog days was coming hotly through the open window.
6And, while it dwindled, the heat came on, and then the stifling dog days.
7These dog days make me tired; I sleep without sleeping, for lack of energy.
8Wadin' in the crick in dog days! exploded Aunt Rebecca.
9The opposite of the lazy, hazy dog days of summer that I long for.
10I am sweating as if it were the dog days!
11In summer, on the other hand, they are assigned from Walpurgis Night until dog days.
12And all I'll have is a limp and the dog days of my second career.
13And hasn't it some connection with the dog days?
14For Hollywood, August is summer's dog days no longer.
15He was, as much as any in these dog days, a man of his word.
16And the mess got wind of it, and made a rare story for the dog days.
Translations for dog days